PERSONAL BRANDING REQUIRES A THOROUGH WORK ETHICBy Richard J. Magoma - Award-winning HR Professional, Life & Career Coach, Motivational Speaker & Leadership Catalyst

“Branding demands commitment; commitment to continual re-invention; striking chords with people to stir their emotions; and commitment to imagination. It is easy to be cynical about such things, much harder to be successful”. SIR RICHARD BRANSON
Enduring personal brands are by-products of relentless work ethic. In other words, an outstanding personal brand is not generated from luck. Through total commitment and engagement, one is able to elevate the performance of their brand. We are used to seeing the beautiful and easy end product of a successful personal brand. Personal branding is hard and smart work. It is a product of sleepless nights.
Those who wish to build a powerful brand must of necessity invest in the Spartan discipline. As a remarkable genius, Michangelo said “If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful at all. What is branding work ethic? It means elements like integrity, responsibility, high quality, discipline, positivity, humility, and teamwork.
One can’t build a strong brand without evidence-based strategies. So the foundations have to be strong in order to avoid being beaten by the competition. Quicksand brands do not last long because they lack authenticity and authority.
A stellar work ethic has to be responsive to the challenges of the moment. This is important because consumers of our brands change their preferences without notice. A remarkable brand is birthed through continuous improvement so as to attain high quality. High quality can mean the cultivation of metrics and analytics. This is true because what cannot be measured cannot be improved.
Humility is a critical component because that is where learning and development emanate from. Those who can’t be humble about their personal brand can’t learn for improvement. Synergy or collaborations can predict how far or deep a personal branding goes. It is important to have a team that brings new perspectives.
Having a positive outlook on one’s brand is always infectious and magnetic.
If there is a positive and cheerful mindset to the brand it will not gain traction. Brands involve attracting people with exuberance. It has to be quite seductive, especially in the problems it solves.