Powerful brandBy Richard J. Magoma - Award winning HR, Life & Career Coach, Motivational Speaker & Leadership Catalyst

A powerful personal brand attracts endless opportunities for growth and excellence. What is a personal brand? A personal brand is how you are perceived. A great personal brand is the avoidance of inconsistencies in messaging. A powerful personal brand is the ultimate marketing weapon but now branding is the saying YES part.
Any serious professional and entrepreneur must consistently invest in a strategic brand that will help in propelling them to the highest levels of performance.
Personal branding is relentless and unshakable visibility. A personal brand is being memorable to the particular audience for the long haul. Think of Kipchoge Keino, Michael Jordan, Michael Tyson, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King. These are indisputable champions of their own specific domains. The specific domain means certain skillsets, experiences and values. What does it cost to create an enduring personal brand? A personal identity is built around a specific thing.
One of the cornerstones of an effective personal brand is its power or staying power. A powerful personal brand can withstand the test of times because of the element of continuous changes.
Power implies stability. A powerful personal brand cannot be dethroned quite easily. A powerful personal identification is a product of intensity and relentlessness. One can say a powerful personal identification is an end result of sleepless nights. There are no holidays in personal branding because of the competition onslaught. Here are the three surefire strategies to craft a rewarding personal brand.
Learning from the best:
Let us call this personal brand benchmarking. It isn’t easy to create a powerful brand without picking lessons and strategies from those who are considered the best in their areas of specialization. There are brands that we love and so we emulate them as we engineer our own. If we wish to create stable brands we have to study and record about the greatest brands. That is why it is critical to have a journal to jot down great ideas. Influential personal brands are all about continuous learning because knowledge is power.
Create a positive impact:
An enduring powerful brand always aims at transforming society for the best. If one decides to be a career mentor the mentees should career searching skills that help get and keep jobs. This is about the improvement of people’s lives through optimism, faith, execution
Role of failure:
There is no powerful personal brand that hasn’t faced the ups and downs of being in existence. A powerful brand isn’t immune to failure. A powerful brand is about agility and resilience after the shocks not hitting the target. Never give up. Never settle
A powerful personal brand is a product of brand vision, social media presence, niche audience, consistent messaging and what one wants to be known for.
We shouldn’t leave our personal brands to chance. We have to be robust, agile, strategic and decisive. Personal branding is about being deliberate.